
此作品中存在著數組矛盾對照:它既處理畫面,卻不是繪畫、似乎是移動影像,卻不源自於數位媒介、它立基於空間條件與感知,卻無任何三維元素 — 它既基於分類卻也溢出分類。同時,如果我們將這些藝術的既有分類,又或他們所指涉的形式性質如空間、二維畫面、時間、等元素作為解構此件作品的依據,抑或說是構成此作品的元素。那之於我而言此件作品部分的美感基於兩點:
再者是透過一項形式上的簡單部署 — 即於空間一隅塗上顏料,卻觸發了上述層層緊扣的關係。此動作挪用、連結並轉化了現成,此時走廊不再是通道,陽光也不再為照明,最終時間與平常視為理所當然的空間條件被轉化成為了可感的對象。

南北藝廊(South-North Gallery) is a corridor with high windows, through them, the sunshine casts shadows on the wall. The work is simply paints part of the wall with light-sensitive paint. As the sun goes down, the image transform along with it and interact with its surrounding - people walking by, objects placed. And so it ended up as a work whose presences is ever-changing, some days it appears, somedays it doesn’t, with its appearances continuously shifting from moment to moment.
For me the work is filled with paradoxes: It deals with flat image, but it’s not a painting; it seems to be a moving image, yet it is not technological; it entails with the presupposition of space, but it’s not three-dimensional. It based on categories, but also oozes out from(yet it also transcends) them. However if we break it down with the very elements typically define these art categories: flat Image, time(sun), space, there are two perspective in the work I think are worth to mention.
Firstly, there is a necessity in the way these elements are composed. For example, Movie is a multi-modality form, its “modes” (sound, image, text) don’t necessarily depend on or even distract audiences’ attention from each other. However, in this work, the relationship between its modes are complementary. The work is the result of these correlative relationships between these elements, they exist through the presence of one another, and the work will be no longer established if any of them were removed.
Then it is the way things are reappropriated and triggered. The corridor has transcended its original function as aisle, the sunshine no longer merely serves for lightening. The relationships are built, the functionality has alternated, through a simple deployment - paint a wall.

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